Issue No 19 - August 2020
The best issue since sliced bread! We were thrilled to work with the Between Carpools team, who joined us in enhancing this vibrant sandwich issue. First and foremost, there is no sandwich without bread. Acclaimed author Rochie Pinson shares three very unique bread options to elevate your sandwiches, and our editor Elisheva Taitz compiled a collection of bread cookbooks to expand your bread repertoire. Of course, to go with the bread, we bring you a collection of sandwiches that cover the gamut and won’t disappoint.
Yanky Schwartz, the coolest Orthodox Jewish traveler on Instagram, provides a primer on how to maximize your visit to a few of the stunning national parks of the United States. Then to balance out all the sandwiches, the talented Reena Goldberger, a Miami-based event planner and recipe developer joins this issue with a very elegant and gourmet (yet practical) Shalosh Seudos feast.