Issue No 46 - March 2023 - Pesach
Issue No 46 - March 2023 - Pesach
What was remarkable about the Pesach recipes in this specific issue was how well-received they all were in the middle of December. The team inhaled the quinoa fried rice, chili chicken, sweet crisp brisket, roasted onion dressing, and mandelbrot - authentic feedback about how amazing the food was from a team of people who cook and shoot food for a living.
The reactions are obviously validating, but more so is the reality that the recipes in this issue are truly something to celebrate. While they are all delicious, the actual process of making the recipes is just as important. The recipes in this issue are very simple and approachable, with no laundry lists of ingredients or complex techniques, and yet they still bring something new to the table.
That is truly the best kind of cooking, especially for holidays with a lot of meals (and restrictions, in the case of Pesach). Coupled with fresh new recipes comes classics from Melinda’s family's kitchen, like pickled salmon, lemon sponge cake, and sweet and sour tongue that brings a nostalgic factor to the Pesach table.