Issue No 21 - November 2020
The issue is packed with practical inspiration — no rules apply. Shushy Turin, a working mom and food blogger, joined as guest editor with her unique cooking style, approach and plan for not just dinner but lunch as well. What we love is the flexibility and her four different meal ideas can carry you through the week, including amba chicken together with Caesar dressing for an amazing salad that we started to serve Shabbos day. Mix and match is what it’s all about.
Even though this issue is all about dinner, we made sure to feature an exciting Shabbos menu by Mushky Perlstein, who is well known for creating modern, light, delicious Shabbos menus each week for her community in California. She shared some awesome recipes you’ll love.
Our staff’s go-to dinners are full of easy, flavorful weeknight ideas that take minimal time to prepare but create impact. Easy and versatile sheet pan chicken dinner is something that everyone should have in their repertoire.